Co-hosts of Founder Friday Buenos Aires agree you don’t have to be technical to launch a tech company.
By Patricia Araque (Co-Founder, Ellas 2.0)
This first Founder Friday Buenos Aires in Argentina has definitively blown me away. The people, the conversations, and the event all exceeded my expectations. There is an amazing group of women in town trying to improve their communities through innovation and technology.
Both co-hosts, María Laura García (Founder & CEO, Global News) and Sally Buberman (Co-Founder, Wormhole IT) are great examples of what Argentina is able to provide to the global industry of high growth ventures.
Not having a technical backgrounds themselves, both founders agreed you don’t have to be an engineer to launch your own tech startup.
They talked about values such as effort and commitment to become successful as an entrepreneur, and how important is, as a female founder, to believe in yourself and not put limits to your dreams.
Honestly, after having enjoyed the “Founder Friday experience” in Madrid, Barcelona and San Francisco, I have to say that the energy and talent you can find in Buenos Aires is pretty similar to these other cities. It was like being at home.
Once again, I feel that I’m part of an important movement for women entrepreneurs and I am lucky to contribute to it.
Editor’s note: Got a question for our guest blogger? Leave a message in the comments below.
Photo credit: (top) Sebas Paschmann on Lockerz, (bottom) Patricia Araque on Twitter.
About the guest blogger: Patricia Araque is the Founder and President of Ellas 2.0, sister organization to Women 2.0 in Spain with the goal of increasing the number of female entrepreneurs in tech. She is heavily involved in the startup scene in Spain. Prior to Ellas 2.0, Patricia founded Atalaya Formacion. Currently she is launching an educational startup focused in get parents involved in education using mobile technology. Follow her on Twitter at @patriciaaraque and Ellas 2.0 at @ellas2.