To preview augmented reality apps and startups, come to Life 3.0 on May 31 in San Francisco.
By Anna Vital (Founder, Funders & Founders)
Augmented reality is nothing more than computer-generated data projected onto reality. No big deal. So far.
It is popular for making annotations on real life buildings, for fitting furniture in your room, or seeing how a new hairstyle would look on you. Some newer apps also let you see what your building used to look like decades ago, thus recreating the past for you.
There are applications of augmented reality that prevent bike accidents by showing on your GPS the cars that could run into you, all in real time. Another way you can recreate the past is by tying videos of your interaction with people in your life to specific locations. That’s all recreating what happened.
Now imagine your loved one, your mom, for example. Think of everything you know about her, everything she has ever said. You have her in vacation videos, you read her facebook updates, and get her emails. You can crunch this data about your mom so that you can predict how she behaves and she says in most of your interactions with her. Then you can make a 3D model of your mom. Your 3d model looks just like your real mom and says the kind of things your mom says, in her real voice.
Here is where augmented reality comes in. When you miss your mom, all you need to do is turn on your Mom App, wherever you are, and have a conversation with her.
A little creepy? I know. I would much rather talk with my real mom. But even though my mom is really young, and I talk to her almost every day, there is always that fear that some day in the very very far future I might outlive my mom. It’s hard for me to imagine a world without her. She is my best friend, we are only 17 years apart.
Sure, a 3D animation that just repeats what your mom said in the past is just lame compared to your real mom. But then wouldn’t want your kids to know her, and then the kids or your kids? If there is anything you would want to augmentent your reality with, wouldn’t it be with the people you love?.. This is an open question.
If you want to see Augmented Reality that already exists, come to Life 3.0 on May 31 in San Francisco. Life 3.0 is an innovation show by startups that change the way you live. Life 3.0 is the next era after Web 2.0, when internet comes off the screen and enters our lives. This month at Life 3.0 you will see by far the most innovative startups in augmented reality.
Augmented reality is a real-world environment whose elements are augmented such that you can walk down the street and see people’s names written over their heads; you can see who tweeted what in the nearby building; you can even see a message wall right over the Golden Gate Bridge.
Editor’s note: Got a question for our guest blogger? Leave a message in the comments below.
About the guest blogger: Anna Vital is the founder of Funders and Founders, a San Francisco-based startup promoting startupization. She has been an entrepreneur since age 14 when she opened her fist business, a test-prep school. After attending Brigham Young University in Utah, she attended law school in Nanjing, China. She speaks Mandarin Chinese, English, and Russian. In her ideal world, everyone from moms to engineers to executives will do startups. Follow her on Twitter at @fundersfounders.