Here are 3 “gifts” one 40-something woman would give a 20-something if she were a “Forty-Godmother”.
By Christina Vuleta (Founder, 40:20 Vision)
Trends point in the direction that women have more choices and freedom’s today – to marry or stay single, to have children alone, in wedlock or not at all, to work or stay at home — to name a few.
Yet women still feel judged by others (Why aren’t you married? When are you having children? You don’t work?). And at the same time they put enormous pressure on themselves to find their own passion and maintain independence. That’s a lot of tension. Now that women have more choices, it’s harder than ever to choose what is “right” and find “happiness”.
Wisdom From 40-something Women To 20-something Women
Women in their forties today are part of the first wave of women to grow up with more choices. We have seen the consequences of delaying marriage, fore-going childbirth or following an unexpected career path in large numbers. And while we all have made different decisions, what we all have in common by the time we hit our forties is the comfort of finally making decisions that are right for us.
We feel stronger, sexier and smarter than ever. We may still have shit happen to us, but we now know “shit happens” and we have a whole vault of experiences and strength to get us through the “shit”. We can draw on this learning to help us make better decisions… or at least know what we are getting ourselves into. And that is a magical power.
Herewith, three “gifts” one 40-something woman would give a 20-something if she were a “Forty-Godmother”.
Tip #1: Get Balls, Not Malls.
A little tongue in cheek… but I mean, spend less time shopping and worrying about how you look and more time jumping into life and doing things that you are afraid of and learning. Falling and getting up. That is what gives you confidence and self worth. Not how much money you can spend on things.
Tip #2: Get Dirty.
Know that life gets messy and that is what makes it interesting. Perfect is boring. Get comfortable with the mess. You can’t control everything and keep your life all contained in a box tied up with a neat bow. And it’s really okay.
Tip #3: Patience.
Don’t rush love. You have to know a man / partner for four seasons to get a good idea of they are in different situations.
This post was originally posted at 40:20 Vision.
About the guest blogger: Christina Vuleta is Founder of 40:20 Vision, a blog that provides advice from 40-something women to 20-something women. She is a researcher, trend analyst and curator of 40-something wisdom. Most recently a director at strategic marketing and trend consultancy The Futures Company, Christina has made a career out of understanding insights that drive women’s aspirations and life decisions. Follow her on Twitter at @4020vision.