A quick look at the things we’ve been reading and discussing here at Women 2.0 this week.
By Jessica Stillman (Editor, Women 2.0)
One of the best parts of working at a startup like Women 2.0 is collaborating with amazing people. Coming into work with the full expectation that you’ll spend each day having interesting conversations with intelligent, opinionated colleagues is a huge perk — and one we thought we’d share with a new Friday roundup; a weekly guide showcasing some of the articles that have sparked discussion at Women 2.0 HQ this week.
- Encouragement is great, but sometimes the best support founders can get is frank discussion of failure, which is why we loved this piece by entrepreneur Brett Martin, formerly of Sonar. In a similar vein, Tim O’Reilly, founder of O’Reilly Media, is sharing all the things he did wrong.
- What’s it like to be a woman at Y Combinator? 99dresses creator Nikki Durkin offers her perspective.
- Not everyone is as unruffled by being the only girl in the room as Durkin. Inc.com talks to female founder about what it’s really like to be a woman in tech.
- With our conference coming up in November, there’s lots of chat around the office about our panel topics, including the future of ecommerce and questions like, is the subscription model overblown?
- Another hot conference topic: wearables and the race among chip makers to supply this market.
- Did you think your lunch hour was just for eating lunch? Nope, here’s 16 things you should do on your lunch break every day. (We struggle with some of these. Do you?)
- New data on Silicon Valley’s overarching diversity problem: An analysis finds 70 of 88 Silicon Valley startups that received funding in the first half of 2013 had a “traditional background”. Even gloomier: the number of women computer workers is actually falling.
It’s your turn in the comments below, so help us keep the conversation flowing next week.
What unmissable article or post have you been recommending this week?
Photo credit: Rach via Flickr.
Jessica Stillman (@entrylevelrebel) is an editor at Women 2.0 and a freelance writer with interests in unconventional career paths, generational differences, and the future of work. She writes a daily column for Inc.com and has blogged for CBS MoneyWatch, GigaOM and Brazen Careerist, among others.