

10/16/13 | Uncategorized

Vivek Wadwha Recommends Women 2.0’s CEO Amongst Other Women to Serve on Twitter’s Board

Women 2.0’s CEO is recommended by Vivek Wadhwa as a female who would be suited to join Twitter’s Board along with two of our Las Vegas conference key note speakers. See what other incredible women are on the list!

By Jessica Schimm (Assistant Editor, Women 2.0)

The media is abuzz with the absence of women on Twitter’s IPO Board. Most recently, Vivek Wadhwa compiled a list of 16 accomplished women, published on the Washington Post, that he sees fit to be on the board of Twitter, or any tech board for that matter.

Among them was Women 2.0’s CEO Shaherose Charania and Women 2.0 Las Vegas conference keynote speakers, Kay Koplovitz and Megan Smith! You can see what other incredible women made the list and read Wadhwa’s reasoning for choosing Charania, Koplovitz and Smith here.

Here’s what he had to say about the list:

Below are my suggestions for women that I personally know who can do an exceptional job not only on the board of Twitter but also other boards. I’ve categorized them by their areas of expertise, starting with women who can guide business strategy and take on any boys club. They will surely pave the way for the next female board member — who can provide a broader technology vision and new marketing perspectives. Corporate governance and ethics are a critical component of any board.

One excuse tech companies continually make, Wadhwa says, is that there is not enough qualified women in the field of tech. This is not relevant however, Wadhwa explains, as boards do not have to be filled with tech degree backgrounds, using Twitter itself as an example. While some of Twitter’s executive officers and directiors have technical degrees, a group them do not; the article sites undergraduate degrees ranging from French literature to Philosophy, to East Asian studies and adds that “Jack Dorsey and Evan Wiliams, who serve on Twitter’s board, are college dropouts.”

Are there other women you would add to Vivek’s List?

Photo via MIT Technology Review en Espanol / Flickr.

Jess headshot

Jessica Schimm (@JessicaSchimm) is the assistant editor at Women 2.0. She is a recent graduate of San Francisco State where she earned a B.A. in journalism and was the editor-in-chief of SF State’s Her Campus chapter. She has a strong interest in women’s issues and writes about them on her blog Women Who Run San Francisco.



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