

07/18/14 | OOO

What Got Us Talking At Women 2.0 This Week: July 18 Edition

Here’s what caught our attention this week. Join in on the discussion and tell us what you have been reading.

By Jordan Hunter (Editorial Intern, Women 2.0)

  • Seven women entrepreneurs share their biggest challenges being women in the business world and how they are overcoming them in this article from Mashable via the Business News Daily.
  • “If you want to have a successful business, you have to make something, and you have to sell it.” How Tinder Co-Founder Whitney Wolfe Hacked Metcalfe’s Law” is an interesting piece about a controversial topic. The post on Medium speaks on the former co-founder of the talked-about dating app, Tinder and how she sold the idea to thousands of users and was still run out of the company. The author’s point? Women’s work gets erased from high-tech success stories.
  • The creators of Hopscotch, an iPad app that helps kids learn to code, speak about their goals for the future of programming among kids. In this Fast Company video, creator Jocelyn Leavitt says “If you ask a kid, ‘Hey do you want to learn how to program a computer?’ you’ll get a lot of eye-rolling. But if you’re like, ‘Hey, would you like to build your own game?’ that is what gets kids excited.”
  • An Oakland-based entrepreneur interviewed 100 other female entrepreneurs to see who and what motivates them and what some of their biggest challenges are. Then she wrote a book off those answers. Fast Company asked her to reveal some of her findings and one showed that the number of women entrepreneurs is growing.
  • One of our favorite Women 2.0 posts this week: The Secret to Hiring the Right Person for Your Team” was a unique article for all parties. For those looking to hire, this offers great tips for what characteristics to look for in each candidate and for those trying to get that job, you can get a sneak peek at what they might be looking for and possibly better your chances.

Photo Credit: Viewminder

What got you talking this week? Share with us in the comments!



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