

11/27/14 | Motivation

Happy Thanksgiving from Women 2.0! What We’re Thankful For

Thanks for being a part of the Women 2.0 community! Here’s what we’re thankful for this year.

It’s that time of year where we all get a little sappy while we get overstuffed. We took a moment to reflect on what we’re thankful for this year.

Shaherose Charania, Founder & CEO

Shaherose CharaniaI am thankful for: Justin, Jin, Jessica, Betsy, Amy, Ayesha, Jessica #2 as well as our extended Women 2.0 team, Dave, Dana, Shari and Julie for making this such an powerful year for Women 2.0. Each one of you had been a key part in making Women 2.0 what it is today. We’ve changed and grown to ensure we continue to have the greatest impact on the most influential industry of our time. More importantly, we’ve created a culture in the company that makes me proud – one that involves a lot of laughing and challenge (– lol P90x Ab Ripper has something to do with it!)

I am thankful for the 50+ City Meetup Team members and volunteers who give generously of their time, knowledge and energy to hosting Women 2.0 City Meetup in their city. With their help, real connections happen that lead to all sort of outcomes — fundings, new companies, new hires — all important to drive change in this industry

I am thankful for my Women 2.0 Advisors! Ellen Leanse, Jenny Fielding, Mari Baker, Dianna Mullins, Joy Marcus and Tabreez Verjee who have been with us over so many phases of Women 2.0 and answer my text messages whenever I needed them to! They have also become close friends to me and I am grateful for their generosity towards me and Women 2.0

I am thankful for the community of influencers that give to Women 2.0 (women and men!): PITCH Judges, speakers and mentors who give generously of their expertise and insights to drive forward a new generation of innovators. I am equally thankful for our sponsors who deeply believe in the mission of Women 2.0 and work side-by-side with us to drive this impact. This, is the heart of Women 2.0 — a community of givers.

I’m thankful for my friends and family (to be exact, this is 12 specific people and you know who you are, in Vancouver, SF and New York) who do exactly the right things for a founder of a company — call to check in, text and give sweet messages, meet me on *my* schedule (sorry!), understanding when I need to cancel because I’m just so tired, let me crash on their couches when traveling (Tessa!), and more importantly are my biggest believers. The journey of a founder of a growing company can be lonely, with you, I never feel alone.

And well a few more things I am grateful for: Wi-Fi on airplanes (I’ve taken 46 of flights this year!), my Camelback water bottle (or I’d never be hydrated), Milk Oolong tea (rare, so hard to find!), Spotify and Soundcloud to give me the mood-changing, energizing tunes every day and finally I am so grateful for my yoga and meditation practice — two things that have helped me evolve and flow in the rollercoaster of life.

Justin Maples, COO

Justin MaplesI’m thankful for the great people I’ve met and worked with in the past year. It’s the people and the moments you have with them that you cherish the most.

Jin Zhou, Global Programs Manager

Jin ZhouI think about this a lot. When I look back at this year, I’m most thankful for the opportunity to share and create with a bunch of truly amazing people. Startups are never easy, but I enjoy knowing that as a community and team, we are helping people along to what they dream of, whether a startup success, a career change, or an opportunity to share stories. How cool is that? 🙂

I’m also super grateful for my awesome friends and family around the world. They have always supported me no matter what (thanks for offering your couches and advice over the years!) My dad and brother especially — they are as crazy as families can be, but I wouldn’t have them any other way. Grateful for a very rich life!

Jessica Schimm, Digital Audience Engagement Lead

Jessica SchimmI’m so thankful for my family. I’m the oldest of four children and due to the range of age differences, everyone currently has a different perspective on life. Because of this I am constantly learning from them; they have helped me live a richer and fuller life in more ways than they know.

I’m also so thankful for my team at Women 2.0! We are a tight-knit group and I am privileged to work with such esteemed individuals who have incredible positive and creative energy. My team encourages and embraces innovation within the company and not many of my peers have that in their corporate jobs – what a privilege.

And much less importantly, (I feel like I should show some gratefulness to something tech in my life), I’m grateful for Songza, the playlists energize me on my way to work every day!

Amy Myles, Assistant Editor

Amy MylesI am especially thankful this year because it’s the year I married my amazing husband! He really is the best thing that’s ever happened to me and we had not one, but two amazing wedding celebrations in London and Cyprus and a lovely honeymoon in Tuscany. I’m hugely thankful for my wonderful family and friends, for the great team I work with at Women 2.0 and for the freedoms I enjoy every single day as an educated, free, working woman. I’m also thankful for gin. And tea. And lie-ins at the weekend.

Betsy Mikel, Managing Editor

Betsy MikeI’m thankful for lots of things! This past year definitely has not been easy due to some losses in the family, but it has made me even more thankful for the close friends and family who have been there to support me.

I am thankful for the opportunity to contribute towards a mission I truly believe in. I’ve realized that not many people are so lucky to have fulfilling work. I am surrounded by a wonderful group of colleagues who believe so passionately in the Women 2.0 mission, and it inspires and motivates me every day. To really, truly believe in your work is something to be thankful for.

I am also thankful for my health, for red wine, for Reese’s Peanut Butter cups, for the Internet, for cheese, and literally, truly a million other things.

Ayesha Rizvi, Multimedia & Editorial Assistant

Ayesha-rizviEvery year brings new experiences, goals and accomplishments and every year I’m thankful for them all. This year, I’m most thankful for inspiration from new friends, courage to stick with plans that had been pushed under responsibilities, the ability to always learn something new and a future full of technology.




Photo by Satya Murthy via Flickr.



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