

Are You Serious About Hiring Diverse Tech Talent?

Join our next recruiting event – we have just 2 spots left.

By Shaherose Charania (CEO & co-founder, Women 2.0)

We’ve all seen the stats. The tech industry (along with numerous other industries), has significantly (scary) low numbers of female employees, especially in engineering departments.

But the climate is starting to take a turn – slowly.  A handful of companies have decided to release their employment stats as hopefully a starting point, while others have hired diversity consultants and taken other actions.

We wanted to contribute to the movement in a more direct way by highlighting the companies that are truly thinking differently and doing differently.

So tell us about your company, are you different and want to show it off to inspire more companies to follow suit? Are you serious about further diversifying your workforce? If so, apply for the last two spots left for this soft-sell recruiting event, Think Differently, taking place at the end of June.

Participating companies will share how they think differently about culture, hiring processes, launch days, creative brainstorms and more on stage through interactive presentations – this is your chance to show their creativity and personality.

To apply email us and we will send you the private application [email protected]. We’re extending the deadline for companies to apply by May 5th  send us an email by May 23rd. 

And if you know companies who would be interested in this opportunity, send them this blog post.

Stay tuned for the list of forward-thinking companies joining us.

Want to attend for free? Get your invitation!

Photo by Elvina Beck.

Christina D'Antonio

Christina D'Antonio

Christina D’Antonio is a security specialist at GreyCastle Security, an award-winning cybersecurity firm in upstate New York.

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