

03/11/14 | Uncategorized

Next Live Twitter Chat: SXSW Decompression

Join in for our next live Twitter chat tomorrow at 12:00 p.m. PST and share what you learned about tech at SXSW and your best SXSW hacks

 By Jessica Schimm (Assistant Editor, Women 2.0)

Didn’t get the chance to attend SXSW? No sweat – join us for our Twitter chat tomorrow to learn the highlights from this year and hacks for next year – in 140 characters or less.

SXSWi 2014 attendees: We’re guessing your brain is probably ready to burst with all of the information you’ve tried to make note of in the last few days. Well, now that the SXSW is wrapping up this week, we wanted to do a preliminary decompression to recap all of the most important takeaways from this year’s event. Join us for an open-twitter chat taking place tomorrow to share what you learned this year at SXSW and your tips and tricks on how to navigate the scene to get the most bang for your buck.

When: Wednesday, March 12th at 12:00 p.m. PST


What are your SXSW hacks? What newest trend in tech are you most excited about? What surprised you the most? What are you most concerned about in the tech industry future? Who was your favorite speaker and why? What’s the best advice for preparing your own session? 

This is a great opportunity to connect with SXSW attendees online – at one place and one time. Use the hashtag #w2 to follow the chat. We also encourage you to use any other hashtags relevant to the conversation. Follow the Women 2.0 handle and Women 2.0 CEO’s Shaherose’s handle @Shaherose. Get ready for a lively discussion tomorrow!

Jess headshot

Jessica Schimm (@JessicaSchimm) is the assistant editor at Women 2.0. She is a recent graduate of San Francisco State where she earned a B.A. in journalism and was the editor-in-chief of SF State’s Her Campus chapter. She has a strong interest in women’s topics and writes about them on her blog.



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