Screening Engineers: You’re Doing It Wrong
This is the fourth in a series of articles on Hiring Engineers by Jocelyn Goldfein, Angel, Advisor. Formerly: Engineer @ Facebook, VMware,...
This is the fourth in a series of articles on Hiring Engineers by Jocelyn Goldfein, Angel, Advisor. Formerly: Engineer @ Facebook, VMware,...
"Are we still living in a time where a woman could be seen as too ambitious? " asks Alison Taffel Rabinowitz
This is the third in a series of articles on Hiring Engineers by Jocelyn Goldfein, Angel, Advisor. Formerly: Engineer @ Facebook, VMware,...
This is the second in a series of articles on Hiring Engineers by Jocelyn Goldfein, Angel, Advisor. Formerly: Engineer @ Facebook, VMware,...
This is the first in a series of articles on Hiring Engineers by Jocelyn Goldfein, Angel, Advisor. Formerly: Engineer @ Facebook, VMware,...
I realized that as a founder I have both the opportunity and responsibility to prioritize diversity in our team and hiring practices says Salman....
A reflection on a year of diversity work and the story behind diversity numbers at Pandora.
Something that’s good for working moms can be good for everyone. By Courtney Casburn Brett (President & Creative Director, Casburn Brett...
Want to attract more working moms to your startup? Offer the right benefits.
Following every productivity hack you can find? That might be why you're failing.
You know the lack of diversity is hurting company, but does your boss, senior leadership and CEO? Here’s how spark change at your job.
CEO of Women Who Code speaks out about creating a pathway to recruiting the best engineers. By Ayesha Rizvi (Editorial & Multimedia...
If the culture of business can favor “male” traits, why can’t the same culture adapt to the female creative perspective? By Alexandra Fuller...
500 Startups VC Christine Tsai, who was pregnant with her second child when she wrote the below, offers advice to companies. By Christine Tsai...
What are the new rules to engagement for talking about gender in the workplace issues?