The End of Mentorship

The End of Mentorship

Refrain: What was “right” before probably doesn’t make sense anymore. As we face down humanity’s biggest crisis in our lifetime(s), whose long-term implications we’re only just starting to understand — I’ve come to a destabilizing realization: There are no experts on...
When Workplace Bullying Goes Remote…

When Workplace Bullying Goes Remote…

COVID-19 Stress + Remote Interactions = Increased Workplace Bullying We know people can be much ruder via email, chat, and phone than they would be in person. Layer on pandemic levels of stress and what we’re seeing is an increase in online aggression and remote...
Expert Advice for When You’re Ignored in Meetings

Expert Advice for When You’re Ignored in Meetings

It was difficult to say when it dawned on her. For Jennifer Williams*, a newly minted executive in a national organization, the realization was gradual. In management meetings, she felt as though she was being ignored. She shared her ideas and thoughts and it was as...
I’m Tired of Being Superwoman

I’m Tired of Being Superwoman

“I don’t know how you do it”.  I get this all.the.time. It seems like a compliment, right? That I’m making this work life integration thing happen. False. For me, it’s a frequent reminder that the barriers are still so high for working moms and that we are far...