Elaine Wherry: Why I Now Believe the Glass Ceiling Is Real

Elaine Wherry: Why I Now Believe the Glass Ceiling Is Real

Once a naysayer about gender discrimination, this conference speaker shares how she experienced it first hand and came to the conclusion that the glass ceiling is higher than she thought it was.  By Elaine Wherry (Co-founder & CxO, Meebo) Until three years ago, I...

The New Girls' Network: The Science Of Office Politics

Mothers are 79% less likely to be hired, only half as likely to be promoted, offered an average of $11,000 less in salary and held to higher performance and punctuality standards than an identical woman without children. By Joan C. Williams (Author, The New...

Can Mothers Found Startups? (Hint: Yes)

“People expect mothers to be less committed and therefore give them less responsibility and pay them less from the start.” By Joan C. Williams & Rachel Dempsey (Authors, The New Girls’ Network) An article in this weekend’s New York Times...