Bring Your Questions for VC Renee DiResta

The OATV associate has offered to field questions from founders. What would you like to ask her? By Jessica Stillman (Editor, Women 2.0) Have a question about etiquette? Dear Abby has you covered. Need some advice on how to behave in the bedroom? Dr. Ruth should be...

Why So Few Women in Elite Mathematics? (Infographic)

Women make up a paltry percentage of tenured math professors, and no female mathematician has ever won a Fields Medal. What’s up with that?  By Jessica Stillman (Editor, Women 2.0) If you sometimes look around at a tech gathering and realize you’re the...

Intel Is Buying Female-Founded Mashery

That’s according to ReadWrite, which ballparks the purchase price at $120-$180 million. By Jessica Stillman (Editor, Women 2.0) Last July we highlighted Mashery’s Kirsten Spoljaric as a female founder to watch due to her contribution to raising an...

How to Disrupt an Industry

LearnVest’s Alexa von Tobel offers advice on how not just to build a company, but to upend an entire industry. By Jessica Stillman (Editor, Women 2.0) Let’s say you dream big. Sure, you want to start a high growth company, but you also want to take an...

Hey TechCrunch, How About Adding More Women Speakers?

Another conference, another male-dominated lineup. Why doesn’t the TechCrunch Disrupt NY speaker lineup include more women? By Jessica Stillman (Editor, Women 2.0) Back in 2077 Kottke noted the regularity with which the web erupts with complaints about...