Exitround: Demystifying Acquisitions For Founders

Is your startup almost out of money? Exitround aims to match startups open to being acquired with willing buyers.  By Jessica Stillman (Editor, Women 2.0) If your startup is almost out of money and more funding doesn’t seem to be just over the horizon, what are...

Wall Street To Venture Capital: How Hard Is It To Make The Switch?

A venture capitalist who started her career on Wall Street talks about how and why she made the transition to seed stage investing, as well as what she found challenging and rewarding about the switch. By Jessica Stillman (Editor, Women 2.0) Think East Coast vs. West...

Amanda Palmer: Ask Without Shame

The singer and Kickstarter success story recently gave a TED talk on a topic close to the heart of many female entrepreneurs: why it’s difficult to ask for things and why you should do it anyway.  By Jessica Stillman (Editor, Women 2.0) The trouble with women,...

How Are You Celebrating International Women's Day?

Across the globe, people are marking the annual celebration of women with creative events. What are you doing to celebrate? Share your stories. By Jessica Stillman (Editor, Women 2.0) Friday is International Women’s Day, the annual celebration of female...