Check out the latest edition of our weekly Women 2.0 reading guide and join the conversation. By Jessica Stillman (Editor, Women 2.0) Tech designed by sitcom stars? Far out Halloween costumes? IPhone apps that smell like bacon? Futuristic traffic tickets? This week...
You can’t talk startups in Vegas without hearing from the CEO of Zappos! By Jessica Stillman (Editor, Women 2.0) Think of Las Vegas and startups at the same time, and one company is 100% sure to pop into your mind. Yup, you guessed it — Zappos. Thanks to the...
Deborah Jackson on how women supporting women can help overcome some of female founders’ fundraising challenges. By Jessica Stillman (Editor, Women 2.0) It’s no secret that access to capital can be a problem for female-founded firms, with only about 5% of VC...
The biospherian and Women 2.0 conference keynote speaker talks about the amazing, near-term future of human spaceflight. By Jessica Stillman (Editor, Women 2.0) What you see often depends on where you stand, and Jane Poynter, our fabulous final conference keynote...
No one will be shocked to hear that the Nordic countries have the smallest gender gap, but maybe the position of the U.S. in a worldwide ranking will surprise you. By Jessica Stillman (Editor, Women 2.0) Every year since 2006 the World Economic Forum has released a...