When Talking To Users Saves You Time

When Talking To Users Saves You Time

Jane’s team then had a similar conversation with other customers and potential customers. The product team gladly put the much smaller Feature X, minus the expensive live video feature, onto their product roadmap. They also left out a few other parts of Feature X that...

You Know Too Much

We think too much about our own products to be able to truly understand what a new user experiences. By Laura Klein (Principal, Users Know) This is not an earth shattering revelation. Think of it more as a friendly reminder that even people who have been doing UX for...
Are You Asking The Wrong Startup Product/UX Questions?

Are You Asking The Wrong Startup Product/UX Questions?

Some common questions about UX and how to get answers directly from users. By Laura Klein (Principal, Users Know) When I’m talking with startups, they frequently ask me all sorts of questions. I imagine that they’re probably really disappointed when I respond with a...