5 Ways to Make Your Long-Distance Startup Work

When two co-founders live on different continents, how do they make it work? By Rachel Sales (Editor, Pink Pangea) When I left New York to live in Tel Aviv, my business partner Jaclyn and I weren’t sure what would become of our business. We’d started Pink Pangea, the...

A Recap of Techweek New York 2014

Techweek New York 2014 is in the books and they’re thrilled to report that it was a big success! Here’s a quick wrap up! By Techweek Techweek is proud to have hosted some of New York City’s most prominent business leaders, promising startups, and...

Accelerator for Fashion Tech Launches in New York

What you need to know if you plan to apply to this brand new program with a fast-approaching deadline. By Lorraine Sanders (Contributing Writer, Women 2.0) For entrepreneurs in the fashion tech space, the New York Fashion Tech Lab accelerator program launched this...