6 Changes HR Can Make to Crack the Glass Ceiling

6 Changes HR Can Make to Crack the Glass Ceiling

Studies show that gender-diverse companies are 15% more likely to outperform compared to more homogeneous ones, while companies that are ethnically diverse are 35% more likely to outperform.Companies with more female leaders are also proven to be more profitable. In...

How to Effectively Evaluate Your Employees' Performance

As your company grows, your internal systems should evolve.  By the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) As you begin to hire more employees, you’ll have to develop internal systems so you can track their progress as it relates to your company goals. So we asked...
How to Effectively Evaluate Your Employees’ Performance

How to Effectively Evaluate Your Employees’ Performance

As your company grows, your internal systems should evolve.  By the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) As you begin to hire more employees, you’ll have to develop internal systems so you can track their progress as it relates to your company goals. So we asked...
5 Tips for More Effective Performance Reviews

5 Tips for More Effective Performance Reviews

Part three of the three-part series about Ellen Chisa’s experiences at Microsoft and challenges with the Stack Rank System proposes some elements for giving a great review.By Ellen Chisa (Product Manager, Kickstarter) No Surprises When you go into a review,...
Why Stack Rank Doesn’t Measure Up

Why Stack Rank Doesn’t Measure Up

In a two-part series, Ellen Chisa shares her experience at Microsoft and how its review system affected her psyche and productivity. (Read part 1 here.) By Ellen Chisa (Product Manager, Kickstarter) Stack ranking is a performance review system that ranks employees...