People Who Are Authentic Don’t Have to be Perfect: Seeing Past the Facade
One woman learned to see through the facade of perfection that others put up, and hold space for them as they learned to be their own authentic selves.
One woman learned to see through the facade of perfection that others put up, and hold space for them as they learned to be their own authentic selves.
The most well-intentioned and practical advice can lead us to banging our head against the wall. Each hit a bruise to our self-esteem. Why?
A new book based on the Interpersonal Dynamics course - a.k.a. the "Touch Feely Course" - that's been taught for decades at Stanford University.
What can women in technology do to be effective role models, and why does it matter in the first place?
She shocked many, but Naomi's decision to protect her mental health benefited professional women everywhere.
A discussion on making career leaps, finding support from a variety of places, some of the ways to think about marketing yourself, and facing challenges.
You don't need to be networking all the time. You just need to network strategically and intentionally.
What's the key to running a successful business and being a great parent? Time management. Here are a few tips.
Several classic ways that ambition can get in the way of success and what you can do to keep your path to greatness free and clear.
People in positions of power - like James - are increasingly congratulating themselves for doing the bare minimum when it comes to gender equity.
A multi-seat corporate Board of Directors member shares her career experiences and insights that led her to where she is now.
The past year has been tough, but a little self-awareness will help you push through. Ask yourself these five questions to feel more grounded.
A global pandemic and social unrest opens more doors. The time may be right to introduce yourself and extend a virtual handshake.
Reflections on being underrepresented in tech, and six main ways tech is failing people from marginalized community.
This parent, reeling from months of interrupted zoom meetings managing the chaos, talks about flexibility for parents in the workplace.