Investing In Women Isn’t A Fucking Charity

Investing In Women Isn’t A Fucking Charity

It’s a smart, strategic business move, and more urgent than ever to invest in women. As I reflect on this character defining year, and honor the life and legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, I’m inspired by the fierce, courageous women who have stepped up to fight...
Founders — It’s (still) OK to not be OK

Founders — It’s (still) OK to not be OK

Are you struggling more than you did last Spring?It is OK and you are not alone. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I was doing pretty good in March and April and over the Summer.”“I can’t figure out why I am just so physically and mentally depleted right now....
Embracing the Power of Non-Traditional Hires

Embracing the Power of Non-Traditional Hires

Why you should hire people like me. My mother often told me to not be upset that some people started life on third base — I just had to focus on getting myself to third base. My background certainly separates me from the typical people you see in tech or investing. My...