Managing a Team: Control and Inspiration

Managing a Team: Control and Inspiration

When I got married, my mom and I went shopping for my dress. Before we even left the house, I told her I would find my dress THAT day. We went to four stores. At the last store, I found my dress. That’s how I do things. We later went shopping for my mom’s dress. As...
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

We recently sat down with our friends at Flatiron School to have a discussion around Imposter Syndrome, and flipping your perspective in order to “overcome” this menacing feeling that likely sneaks up on all of us at some point or another. Rebekah Rombom,...
The Key To Effective Allyship

The Key To Effective Allyship

The following is an excerpt from Karen Catlin’s new book, Better Allies: Everyday Actions to Create Inclusive, Engaging Workplaces. There are no two ways about it: broaching subjects like sexism, racism, harassment, and discrimination in the workplace is hard....
Why Half of My Investors Are Women

Why Half of My Investors Are Women

There’s no playbook for starting and running a successful business. As you get started, you quickly prioritize taking bets and investing in what you believe will help your product, business, and culture thrive for the long-term. One of these long-term bets is...