How to Balance a Gimmick With Serious Business

 Using a gimmick can be a great way for a business to stand out, but it may also leave some skeptical about the seriousness of the company.  Here are some proactive business practices that will ensure you’re taken seriously. By Tressa Wood (CEO, Men in Kilts)...

5 Ways To Measure Your Team’s Success

“How is the team?” In today’s tech race, Aristotle’s adage, “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts,” can determine a business’s success or failure. By Frieda Edgette (Founder, Novos) We work in teams to innovate with more strength, speed and diversity....

Mars and Venus at Work

Could skipping the blame game and focusing on educating ourselves about how men and women often miscommunicate at work help women achieve more in their careers?  By Leah Eichler (Founder, Femme-O-Nomics) Partway through a presentation to a CEO of a mid-sized company,...