Working Yourself to Death

A young Wall Street intern recently worked himself literally to death. Is it time we examine our culture of overwork?   By Leah Eichler (Founder & CEO, r/ally) What will you risk to get ahead? It’s a question we likely ask ourselves multiple times a day without...

Want to Get Ahead? Give More Than You Get

Yes, givers can get ahead. The secret to having more may be giving more away, claims a new book.  By Leah Eichler (CEO, r/ally) Are you a giver or a taker? Not in the philanthropic sense, but in your interactions with others in your professional life. Givers look for...

Wanted: More Money-Hungry Entrepreneurs

Did you start your business not for passion or to save the world but just to make lots of money? Don’t be ashamed, writes Leah Eichler. The world needs more founders like you. By Leah Eichler (CEO, r/ally) I love change. Honestly. Two years ago, when I realized...

Mars and Venus at Work

Could skipping the blame game and focusing on educating ourselves about how men and women often miscommunicate at work help women achieve more in their careers?  By Leah Eichler (Founder, Femme-O-Nomics) Partway through a presentation to a CEO of a mid-sized company,...

The Real Value of “Let’s do Coffee” for Women

“Women and men tend to network differently,” observed Anne Day, founder and president of Company of Women, a network for entrepreneurs in the GTA. “For women it is more about building relationships, while for men it is much more transactional,” she added. By Leah...