5 Companies That Can Turn Anyone Into a Rockstar Coder

5 Companies That Can Turn Anyone Into a Rockstar Coder

Learning to code may seem daunting, but here are five companies revolutionizing the process… By Yash Kumar (CEO and Co-Founder, Runnable) It should be obvious to anyone in today’s business world that programming has become one of the most sought after skills in...

5 Things to Consider Before Learning to Code

Teaching yourself to code is basically the new black, but don’t jump into the project before considering these basic questions.  By Jennifer McFadenn (Contributing Writer, Women 2.0) You can’t go to a cocktail party or tech event in any major city right now...

5 Tips on Asking for Help With Coding

Newsflash: coding is not just for geeks… and it isn’t impossible for mere mortals to learn. What’s important is knowing when you need help and how best to ask for it. By Sandi Lin (Co-Founder, Everpath) Six weeks after leaving my job to pursue a startup in online...

How to Teach Yourself to Code: 7 Resources

No CS degree? No problem. A Code Fellows insider offers scrappy suggestions on how women interested in getting into tech can teach themselves to code. By Maris McEdward (Marketing Manager, Code Fellows) Much ink has been spilled discussing the need for more women in...

What Have I Learned in the First Week of Coding in Python?

I have spent only one week with Python, but I love it. It’s straight forward with a minimum amount of extra syntax, such as semicolons, curly brackets, etc. By Gulnara Mirzakarimova (Student, Hackbright Academy) So, what have I learned during the first week? To sum it...