How I Learned To Code

It requires a commitment of putting your life on hold. It was a right time for me, because I had achieved enough proficiency that I knew I could build. Being able to do well at Hacker School has validated for me that I have been initiated to this path of software...

2012 In Review: Getting Hands On With Code

Hackbright Academy helped jumpstart me from a hobbyist to a web developer. By Michelle Sun (Alum, Hackbright Academy) 2012 has been a huge year in terms of personal and professional growth. On the professional front, I progressed significantly in pursuing my passion...
Software Engineering: Another Form Of Self Expression

Software Engineering: Another Form Of Self Expression

The barrier to learning how to program has been reduced to a computer and an Internet connection. By Martha Kelly Girdler (Software Engineer, Etsy) Initially, I didn’t think of programming as a way of expressing myself. The best analogy I can think of is learning to...
Hacker School: Day 90

Hacker School: Day 90

90 days later, we go back out into the real world, egos in check, building code of consequence, and destroying stereotypes. By Martha Kelly Girdler (Alumnus, Hacker School) I’m sitting in a cafe in Brooklyn, exhausted, disoriented, and happy. I’m thinking to myself,...