3 Self-Improvement Books Actually Worth Your Time

3 Self-Improvement Books Actually Worth Your Time

Self-improvement books that have stood the test of time and usefulness: Never Eat Alone, Getting More & 4-Hour Workweek. By Julie Zhou (Growthmaster, Hipmunk) Growing up, my parents required me to read one self-improvement book every week, and I’ve mostly kept...

The New Girls' Network: The Science Of Office Politics

Mothers are 79% less likely to be hired, only half as likely to be promoted, offered an average of $11,000 less in salary and held to higher performance and punctuality standards than an identical woman without children. By Joan C. Williams (Author, The New...

Did You Really Miss That Opportunity? (Startup Recruiting)

If someone is asking for your services, ask for a partnership opportunity, an equity percentage or simply a return for your effort. By Adriana Galue (Co-Founder, Mint Consulting) There is a new business model available today. It involves recruiting talent at low or no...