Congrats to our 1st PITCH Finalist, Donde!

Looking for a specific outfit? Try finding in it 15 seconds on Donde. By Jessica Schimm (Digital Audience Engagement, Women 2.0) Our HowTo conference is less than 12 days away! The full lineup of PITCH finalists has been released, but we wanted to introduce you to...

Congrats to LocalData, Our 6th PITCH Finalist!

Helping cities and communities make data-driven decisions on the future of urban development. By Jessica Schimm (Digital Audience Engagement, Women 2.0) Our HowTo conference is less than 12 days away! The full lineup of PITCH finalists has been released, but we wanted...

Congrats to Yuru, Our 3rd PITCH Finalist!

Yuru provides a new way to get crowdsourced advice. By Jessica Schimm (Digital Audience Engagement, Women 2.0) Our How To conference is less than 20 days away! The full lineup of PITCH finalists has been released, but we wanted to introduce you to each finalist and...

Announcing Our 2nd PITCH Finalist: Hitlist

Congrats to Gillian Morris and Luka Kladaric, co-founders of Hitlist, the second finalists for the Women 2.0’s PITCH Competition.  By Jordan Hunter (Editorial Intern, Women 2.0) Our online judges have been busy reviewing all of the PITCH applications, with our...