The Dishwasher Paradox and the Costs of Efficiency
One reason why working women have shouldered more housework in a post-Covid, work-from-home world? Because they can. But what if they just don’t?
How women (and men) invest in startups
A newly released report shows that women are an untapped source of funding for startups and can lead to a stronger and more equitable economy.
A deep dive into the challenges of raising your first venture capital fund
Experiences and learnings (including mistakes!) of one investor’s journey from angel to first-time fund manager.
Connecting with curiosity (and a discussion about career mobility)
We all know connectivity and strength of your networks can directly influence your long-term career prospects. But – ugh – networking. How can we bette equip ourselves to take the risk?
What the “Cult of the Founder” Gets Wrong
VCs have touted the phrase: “We invest in founders.” That system is broken, and we need to break the cycles that have created a limited field of successful entrepreneurs and stunted the growth of both ideas and profit.
The Art of Being Unapologetic
Are you apologizing too much as a Founder & CEO? Here are several insights on how to reverse an "I'm sorry" into a position of strength.