Why STEM Careers Are Awesome for Women (Infographic)

Techschool rounds up statistics on why careers in science, tech, engineering and math are a great choice for women. Now all we need is more girls to pursue them. By Jessica Stillman (Editor, Women 2.0) Everybody knows it’s a rough job market out there, and...

6 Tips to a Successful Kickstarter Crowdfunding Project

After successful fundings for female-founded products like GoldieBlox, Roominate, Everpurse and OUYA, we wonder what are the reasons behind rocketship successes and quiet failures. By Angie Chang (Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief, Women 2.0) Recently, a Kauffman...

Get Gifts To Encourage Little Girls To Be Geeky! (Cyber Monday)

We need more girls to be interested in science, technology and math. By Angie Chang (Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief, Women 2.0) Alice Brooks grew up playing visiting her dad’s robotics lab. When she asked for a Barbie, he gave her a mini saw. So, she made her own...