Sheryl Sandberg On Women Lacking Ambition (Close The Gap)

Sheryl Sandberg On Women Lacking Ambition (Close The Gap)

By Rip Empson (Writer, TechCrunch) By this point, women in technology, especially those in powerful positions, are probably tired of hearing about: women in technology. But, tonight, during a conversation with Charlie Rose, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg was asked...

Cisco Tech Chief Outlines Women's Advantages in Tech

By Bianca Bosker (Technology Editor, The Huffington Post) Cisco Systems’ chief technology officer Padmasree Warrior is one of the most powerful women in Silicon Valley. She is responsible for around two-thirds of Cisco’s revenues, which totaled $43 billion...
Cisco Tech Chief Outlines Women’s Advantages in Tech

Cisco Tech Chief Outlines Women’s Advantages in Tech

By Bianca Bosker (Technology Editor, The Huffington Post) Cisco Systems’ chief technology officer Padmasree Warrior is one of the most powerful women in Silicon Valley. She is responsible for around two-thirds of Cisco’s revenues, which totaled $43 billion...