The Power of an Equitable Parental Leave Policy
One Series A Founder & CEO walks through her experiences being pregnant while running her startup, and the leave policy she put in place to support parents in her workforce.
Performance is NOT a Predictor of Leadership Potential. So What Is?
Many variables get in the way of identifying the people who could make great leaders. These four factors provide a powerful framework for identifying people who will be strong.
Being the nice girl is a superpower (oh, and stop saying “sorry”)
We sat down with Fran Hauser to talk about creating psychological safety, recognizing the value you bring to the table, and much (much!) more.
My internal critic follows me into web3
Being in a disruptive space is exciting, but can also be daunting. One web3 pro talks through her process of managing her internal critic, and how we can all think about our own.
Does Company Size Impact Happiness at Work?
Here’s what the size of your firm says about your happiness, according to data from employees experiences with exclusion in the workplace.
The Art of Being Unapologetic
Are you apologizing too much as a Founder & CEO? Here are several insights on how to reverse an "I'm sorry" into a position of strength.